Establishing Project Resource Communications

Establishing Project Resource Communications

Attention fellow project warriors! Here is a quick salvo on a recurring project requirement: resource communication.

We’ve all encountered it – technical wizards and subject matter gurus who turn into communication phantoms when project planning rolls around. Their lack of basic information throws a wrench in the machine, causing frustration and jeopardizing project success. But fear not, comrades! Today, we’ll dissect the essential four questions every PM needs to answer:

1. Who’s on board? It’s simple: we can’t manage resources (time, scope, etc.) unless we know who’s assigned to the project. This isn’t a mystery novel, folks – names are mandatory! Resource managers, this falls on you too. Track your team’s hours – your PM isn’t your timekeeper.

2. When are they in the trenches? Start and end dates are the cornerstones of project planning. They let us build dependencies, schedule effectively, and avoid scheduling surprises. Stop the “it’ll take eight hours, maybe twenty” dance – give us a concrete timeframe! Calendars matter, too. Monday-Friday? Sunday-Saturday? Don’t leave us guessing.

3. What’s their mission? Task clarity is king. We need to know the specific tasks assigned to each resource, not just vague generalities. Is it installing an application? Updating a report? Be specific! Remember, work breakdown structures are friends, not foes. Eight-hour increments are your ally – build tasks accordingly.

4. How long is the mission? Duration, my friends, is crucial. We need physical hours aligned with your work schedule. “I’ll work three hours a day” is music to a PM’s ears. Ditch the “bucket” mentality – project planning thrives on specifics.

These four questions aren’t riddles. They’re the foundation of successful project execution. When you, the resource, can’t answer them, red flags unfurl. It raises concerns about individual capabilities and resource manager awareness. Are they faking it? Are performance reviews bogus?

Look, we’re all on the same team. We want the project to shine. So, the next time your PM asks about name, dates, tasks, and duration, step up and answer clearly. It’ll save you emails, back-and-forth exchanges, and unnecessary drama. Trust me, you’ll hear from your PM a lot less – and that’s a good thing. Remember, communication is the oil that keeps the project engine running smoothly. Let’s keep it flowing!

Now, go forth and conquer those communication demons!

P.S. Resource managers have a feel-good moment with your team – it’s on me. Just make sure they know the damn answers before they hit the project battlefield.

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